Launch of New Club Website

The new club website is up and running.

There are still some pages from the old site that have yet to be transferred to the new site and will be added in due course.

Some popular additions are the private members forum and the honours board.

There’s a member’s area for which you can sign yourself up. The idea of the member’s area is to keep the forum and other such pages private allowing for banter, etc.

Please note that while you can sign yourself up for the member’s area under various pseudonyms I have administrative control and can revoke access to the site from anyone who takes this liberty too far in the club’s judgement.

There are some other new features such as an aggregated Twitter feed from all the CCC Twitter accounts and a live scoreboard, any ideas on new features would be much appreciated.


2 thoughts on “Launch of New Club Website”

  1. Looks great Mark – can we put something in the Club News about looking for new lady/girl members?

    1. mark collier

      Sure Clodagh, if you want to email me what you would like to post, I’ll put it up.

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